Learning Paths
The Families Are Forever Basic Path
Families Are Forever™ provides sequential and relevant training designed to prepare families for foster care, kinship care and trauma-informed care, and for the professionals who support them. After enrolling, each time you log in, your courses will continue from where you last left off. Following the completion of each course, you will receive your training certificates. We are honored to be a part of your journey as you seek to bring hope and healing to children. Our passion is to educate, empower, and prepare you for the wonderful and challenging road ahead.
The Premium Advantage Path: Personalized Coaching
Each course in Families Are Forever is available in a Premium Version which includes personalized coaching by your TBRI®-trained class instructor. Through written and video interaction, your instructor will help you get the most out of Families Are Forever adoption education by focusing directly on your family’s specific details. This powerful option will provide professional support as you walk through the joys and challenges of caring for children with histories of trauma.

The Power of Hope and Healing
TBRI stands for Trust-Based Relational Intervention®. TBRI is based on decades of attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience research and serves as a trauma-informed model of intervention for children and adolescents who have experienced loss, trauma, abuse, neglect and institutionalization. In one study regarding its effectiveness, TBRI training was provided to adoptive parents to enhance trauma-informed caregiving skills and support emotional and behavioral healing in concert with other therapies. Based on post-data collected six months after support began, the children demonstrated significantly improved global functioning. In addition, the research showed that parents’ stress levels significantly decreased.

“We loved Families Are Forever!”
“We currently have three biological kids and a lot of the courses changed how we are parenting our kids today. Our oldest child was diagnosed with ADD last year and it has sometimes been difficult to parent him. Before FAF, I often felt hopeless or frustrated with parenting him but now we have changed our parenting styles. Since we started the classes, we have seen a complete 180 in his behavior at home. This program has completely changed our family.”
Lori and Seth